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LCC East Gippsland Area Review (1984-1986)


  • Draft
  • In progress
  • Completed


The LCC published final recommendations for its first investigation of the East Gippsland area in 1977.  Since then, a considerable amount of new information about the natural resources of East Gippsland was collected.  The Council was also conscious that many changes in demand for the use of public land cannot be foreseen, and that the value of resources will change as exploration, research, and technology progress. For these reasons, the Council believed that periodic reviews of public land use in the State were desirable.

The major impetus of the review was to assess the Council's previous land use decisions in the light of changed demands and the availability of new information.

Advertisements stating that the Council intended to review the East Gippsland area appeared in the Victoria Government Gazette and in local and other Victorian newspapers in July 1984.  A descriptive resources report was published in August 1985. Following the publication of the report, the Council received 1,930 submissions from individuals, associations, companies, and local and State government bodies. After considering these submissions, and having visited the study area, the Council formulated its proposed recommendations, which were published in May 1986.  The Council subsequently received 4,807 submissions commenting on these proposals.  The Council published its final recommendations in December 1986.

The final recommendations increased protected areas from about one quarter to one third of public land and reduced the area available for logging from three quarters to two thirds.

The descriptive report, proposed recommendations and final recommendations are available from this page. The final recommendations supersede the recommendations from the original East Gippsland study in 1977. 

Government decisions on the final recommendations can be found on this website here.

Wilderness in East Gippsland was subsequently reviewed as part of the statewide Wilderness Special Investigation (1988-1991).

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