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LCC South Western Study Area District 1 (1971-1973)


  • Draft
  • In progress
  • Completed


Notices showing the boundary of the study area and advising that an investigation was to be carried out were published in June 1971.  A descriptive report was published in August 1972. The Council received 151 submissions on the future use of public land from individuals, associations, companies and local and State government bodies.  After considering these submissions and visiting the area, the Council formulated proposed recommendations, which were published in December 1972.  A further 91 submissions commenting on the proposals were received.  The final recommendations were published in April 1973.

The need to find public land for federally-funded pine plantations was the main impetus for choosing South western area district 1 as the LCC’s first study. The final recommendations report contained the Council's first recommendations.  The descriptive report published in 1972 set the style and tone of those that followed for the next 14 years. This study signalled the end of clearing vegetated public land for agriculture.

The descriptive report, proposed recommendations and final recommendations are available from this page.

The study area district was reviewed in the South Western Area District 1 Review (1980-1983).

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